
July 2021

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Do You Know How to Patent an Idea or Product

Many people want to know they can patent their idea or a product. Before this question can be answered a correction first needs to be made. People wanting to patent an idea are out of luck. An idea by it self can not be patented. However, a product which is based on the idea can be patented.

A product is a developed with details unlike and ideas which can be abstract and not well defined. Effort must be placed in order to develop and idea into a product or a process.

What is a Patent Application

Patent application is a application which is filed with United States Patent Trademark Office (USPTO) when applying for a patent application. There are however different kind of patent applications therefore hiring a patent agency like InventHelp to help is recommended as you can see from this Invent Help review. The main type patent application is a non-provisional application. Once this type of application is filed by the applicant, its examined by USPTO. During examination of the application its decided if the claims are allowable or if they should be rejected.

What are The Costs For Applying For a Patent

Costs of getting a patent vary. First in order to file a patent application a person or an entity must also pay filing fees. Filing fees are different depending on whether the entity filing is a small entity or a large entity. Filing fees for a non-provisional application have three parts: basic fling fee, search fee and examination fee. Additionally, there may also be fees based on application size and number of claims excess of three included independent claims.

The current basic filing fee for a small entity is $165 and $330 for large entity. Search fee for a small entity is $270 and $540 for large entity. Examination fee for a small entity is $110 and $220 for a large entity. The fees listed are only the current fees and change over time as decided by the USPTO.

Further, filing fees alone do not contribute to the costs of getting a patent. In addition of the fees paid to the USPTO, attorney fees will also be required if attorney consultation is used. Attorney fees vary from region to region, firm to firm and the level of experience of the attorney. Fees change, however rates can run from $200/hr to upwards of $800/hr. Hiring only one company such as InventHelp that can help you in all these steps would be most affordable for sure.

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Coronavirus Prevention Help

Although its initial symptoms resemble the cold; it can lead to much more serious complications. Also contrary to popular belief; the virus has killed many more people in the world compared to many other diseases, especially in the past. Although there is no definite cure; you can easily prevent the virus from disturbing your life.

Personal Hygiene

This is the single most important prevention that you can actually do. You have to wash your hands repeatedly (especially after contact with people and money) and you have to use soap to wash them. In the situation where you can’t wash your hands, you can always wipe your hands with an alcoholic solution or an alcohol based soft wipe. According to the latest reports from the CDC, the coronavirus can live on various surfaces for 48 hours. Thus, it is essential that you keep your hands clean all the time.


Especially if you are in a risk group (over 65, small children going to school, a person with diabetes, heart disease etc.) then it is essential that you get vaccinated if possible. Vaccinating with the new vaccines can help protect you against the virus. There is a very little chance to contract the virus once you are vaccinated.

Take Precautions

There are several precautions that you can take which can help you protect yourself against the virus. The first important precaution that you can take is to stay away from people who have the virus and always wear a face mask in crowded areas. N95 masks are the best and there are a lot N95 masks for sale on internet. It is mainly a disease that spreads by contact or by sneezing, so you should make sure that you steer yourself clear of such people. Also eating a balanced diet and taking Vitamin C supplements have been proven to boost your immune system and thus provide protection to you from the virus.

Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Male or Female Dog

Getting a new puppy can be an exciting experience for the entire family. However, once you get a new puppy, one of the most important things you will do is to come up with a great name for your dog.

Of course you want the name to be something special, but you want to avoid going with a name that will get old quickly. So, how can you come up with a great idea for a name for your puppy? The following are a few great tips that will help you come up with the perfect name for your new dog.

Keep it Appropriate – One important thing to keep in mind when you are coming up with the perfect name for your puppy is that you will want to keep it appropriate.

Sure, an inappropriate name may be funny to you for awhile, but imagine having to use that name in front of other people. No doubt you are going to want to keep the name something that you can use no matter what company you are in.

Get the Kids Involved – When you are coming up with a name for your dog, it is going to be important that you get your kids involved in the process. Allow them to come up with some ideas for the dog’s name as well.

Many kids like to go with simple names, so allow them to get creative, even if the name is a bit more simple than what you wanted for your new pure bred puppy.

Consider the Appearance of Your Puppy – Another tip that may help you come up with a great name for your puppy is to consider the appearance of your puppy.

Many people become inspired by the specific look of their new dog. Does he have any special markings that make him stand out or a special coloring that will inspire a name? Just looking at your dog may be the answer to finding a great name.

Take Time to Observe the Personality – There are many people who come up with their dogs’ name by observing their personality as well. Perhaps your dog loves to cuddle up with you, or perhaps your new puppy seems to get frisky and playful all the time.

No matter your dogs’ personality, you may just find some inspiration for the perfect name after observing it for a few days.

Consider Your Puppies Gender – It is also important that you consider the gender of your puppy when you are naming your dog. Once you know what gender your puppy is, it may help you to come up with a name that is appropriate.

There are many dogs that have started out with a boys’ name, only to find out that the dog was a girl who needed a new name.

Go with Something Unique – More than likely you don’t want to name your dog Spot or Spike, since there are many dogs that have this name. You will probably want to come up with a name that is unique and special for your dog such as cars dog names.

Sure, it may take you a bit longer to come up with a unique name, but it will definitely be worth the time it takes.

Remember, the Name is Long Term – It is important that you remember that the name you choose for your dog is going to last as long as your dog does. You don’t want to pick out a name that is boring or that will quickly get old. Pick out a name that you will be happy with as long as you have your dog around.

There are many places that you can find inspiration for your dog’s name. You can find inspiration on television, in movies, from books, or even from your favorite cars brand.

There is really no limit to the names you can find that may be appropriate for your dog. However, when you are working on a name for your new pooch, be sure that you keep these tips in mind for the best results.

Guinea Pig Diet

Whether you realize it or not, the basis for a healthy and happy guinea pig is a good guinea pig diet. The daily basics of the guinea pig diet include Vitamin C, fresh water, grass hay, good quality guinea pig pellets, and correct fresh fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C: Even though most guinea pigs receive an adequate amount of vitamin C from consuming pellets and fresh vegetables, you may want to ensure that your guinea pig is receiving a sufficient amount of Vitamin C by giving one quarter of a one hundred milligram plain or chewable vitamin C tablet. However, you should consider that liquid drops of Vitamin C may also be given to each guinea pig.

Water: The guinea pig’s water should be cool and fresh, and it needs to be changed on a daily basis. You should avoid using distilled water and water that is high in minerals, particularly if the water is high in calcium. Medications or vitamins shouldn’t be added into the water.

Vegetables: In small amounts, fresh vegetables are known to be an extremely important source of vitamin c, in addition to several other nutrients. Romaine lettuce, parsley, tomato, a little carrot, red or green pepper, cantaloupe, and spinach are highly recommended choices.

Your pet will also appreciate pesticide-free, clean grass, dandelion greens, clover, corn silk and husks. However, you should make sure that you wash all of your vegetables thoroughly, and they need to be slowly introduced into the guinea pig diet, in order to avoid any digestive upsets.

Fruits such as strawberries and apples are also great but if you are going to feed your guinea pig with apples first check can guinea pigs eat apples with skin.

In the end, as long as you follow the proper guinea pig diet in order to ensure that the guinea pig is receiving an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, you will find that you have a healthy and happy guinea pig.

Detox Center detgf

Treatment for Drug Addiction

In order for treatment for drug addiction to work, a person must change their overall behaviors. It can be very difficult to fight the urge to go back to old patterns due to the fact that many drugs can help the brain to give the body signals that it feels good with them in the system.

Changing who a person hangs out with is important too because many people tend to hang out with others that engage in drug use as well. Therefore forging new relationships needs to also be a part of the overall treatment for drug addiction in order for it to be successful.

Detox Center detgf

Inpatient treatment for drug addiction seems to have a better rate of success in Connecticut. These programs are generally for 60 days or longer. The fact that the person is removed from their normal environment makes a huge difference. There are Connecticut detoxification facilities where addicts can enroll for detox treatment. They get education as well as counseling to help them make positive changes.

Not everyone is willing to take part with an in house drug treatment program though. This may be do to work, children to care for, or that they don’t want people to find out that they are undergoing such treatment. These programs can be successful and they do see to work well for those that are highly motivated to make such a change in their life. Yet the fact that they are around outside influences and that the drugs are easily accessible is a problem that can increase their chances of a relapse.

With either program, ongoing support is something that needs to be in place. It can be with a group of others that are undergoing drug treatment, individual counseling, and even an online support group. Reducing stress is important too as well as being able to replace triggers for drug use with something more positive.

The treatment for drug addiction involves many steps that have to be in place. Without them, it is easy for a person to relapse into their old habits once again. The success rate is different for each person though. Sometimes it takes several rounds of treatment for drug addiction before a person is able to beat the problem. It also depends on if they want to quit using drugs or if they were forced to take part in a treatment program.

The treatment for drug addiction has come a very long way from what it was in the past. Experts all agree that dealing with many aspects of the individual as well as the use of the drugs is the key to helping them to have a life without it. Yet there is no one size fits all overall treatment for everyone out there with a drug problem.

That is why getting into a powerful treatment program with a high success rate is very important. Not all of the programs out there are the same and that is where many people start to fall through the cracks.