An apostille is a certificate that authenticates a signature, a seal or any other kind of stamp and helps to identify its origin. It is also known as a certification mark and it is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country where the document originated.
What Does an Apostille do?
It certifies that the signature, seal or stamp on the document has been approved by the authority of that country. This means that if your documents need to be recognized by another country, for example in order to register at a university in another country, your documents need an apostille from Mexico. In this case, you will have to send them for legalization.
An apostille does not replace an embassy legalization or vice versa. An embassy legalization certifies that a document comes from one government entity (for example, from a ministry) while an apostille certifies that it comes from another one (for example, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
An apostille certifies that the signature of the authority is authentic. This can be very useful in business transactions, since it allows you to prove that a document has been signed by an authority without having to send it back for legalization by the country’s embassy or consulate.
If you are sending a document to another country, you may need to have it legalized by the authorities there. This is especially true if the document is a legal agreement between two parties that will be enforced by law. The most common example of this is when one country wants to enforce a contract signed by an individual in another country.
How Can I Get An Apostille in Houston?
If you need an apostille in Houston, it’s important to know how the process works. You can contact a local notary public, who will explain what needs to be done. There are also Houston apostille services that can help you get an apostille in a simple and efficient way. Once you know the steps, it’s easy to get an apostille for your document.